Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Current Readings #6 reveals a story that is unheard of to me. "Chimp Victim May Have Brain Damage," written by The Associated Press. In New Haven, Connecticut, a woman was mauled by a chimpanzee. This woman suffers the loss of her hands, nose, lips and eyelids. Doctors are questioning possible blindness for her future and brain damage. The doctors repeatedly say that all ways of improvement are unclear right now. Doesn't it seem pretty abnormal that an innocent woman goes over to her friends house to help her round up the chimp, but in the process she is supposively "not recognized" by the chimp, so he goes in for the attack. Pretty rare if one were to ask me. All Neurosurgeons and ophthalmologists are doing the best they can to see if she has a significant chance of a assuring recovery. All of these doctors and family have to retain hope in order for anything good to happen. Hope is something that cannot live without an object, as said in "Nectar in a Sieve." 

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