On the website Msnbc.com another appalling article is thrown at us, written by Betsy Taylor, The name of the article "Mom: Verdict is Repudiation of Cyberbullies." A young girl, 13 years old to be exact is the victim of cyberbulling. At age 13 she committed suicide due to a MySpace message from a fictitious boy "dumping her" and telling her "The world would be a better place without you." Charges have been pressed against the boy who messed with this young girl over MySpace. The mother of Megan (the 13 year old girl) is going to continue to speak live and offer help to everyone so parents and children, young and old are very aware of the cruel things happening through the internet and to innocent children. This scenario is one not to be forgotten. Megan deserved nothing close to what she encountered and now the boys will be punished. Hearing this absolutely tears my heart in two. To know that an internet site that is frequently being used to chat with friends is also being used to torture and terrorize anyone that falls for someone's fictional messages. This is unacceptable to say the very least. MySpace either needs to be completely redone and made with all privacy no restrictions or discontinued all together. We need the children of our world to be safe and not feel so violated and hated when they shouldn't have to. Keep our hearts, minds and ears open to this very topic and keep our world more safe.
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